(Mis-)Use Cases for AI

I might have to make this a series

I took my two younger children to theater classes recently. While I was there, I chatted with another parent and they told me a WILD story. I have not confirmed the details myself, but I have no reason to doubt this parent. It sounds like something someone would do.

The parent told me that her company was unexpectedly invoiced by a staffing agency. When they reached out to the staffing agency about the invoice, they learned that the staffing agency had some kind of "AI-powered" solution running that noticed a person (that they had done staffing with before) took a job at a company (that they had done staffing with before) ON LINKEDIN and AUTOMATICALLY cut an invoice to said company.

It is utter insanity. To send an invoice to a company there should be a documented ask. There should be a documented delivery of goods or services rendered that isn't based on scraping LinkedIn or other 3rd-party platforms. In this case, the person found the job on their own; the staffing agency wasn't involved. Yet, they requested payment anyway.

Assuming the details of this story are correct, I am dying to know how many clients of this staffing agency paid these types of invoices without evening questioning it. Assuming this was a bug, when they learned that their "AI solution" was invoicing incorrectly, did they fix it? How much money did they make off this process? How much will they lose when they get caught?